The North Shields Team Ministry
Sunday, 19th January 2025
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Christ Church St. Augustin’s
Welcome to today’s worship:
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Christ Church)
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (St. Augustin’s)
6.00 p.m. Evening Service, (St. Augustin’s)
No evening service at Christ Church
We welcome the Revd Steve Dixon to Christ Church and the Rt Revd John Packer to St. Augustin’s this morning.
If you are not confirmed you are welcome to receive a blessing at the altar rail.
NB Wafers should not be dipped into the chalice.
Gluten-free wafers are available – please let the duty churchwarden know (ideally before the service) if you require these.
Hymns at 10.00 a.m. at Christ Church and St Augustin’s:
A&M 766 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
A&M 712 Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
A&M 506 The church’s one foundation
Singing Group / Choir
A&M 456 Now let us from this table rise
A&M 646 God is working his purpose out
Please remember in your prayers:
The Sick: Bryce Betteridge, John Atkinson, Barbara Atkinson, Dave, Paul Preston, Helen Louch, Claire, Paula, Richard Walley
Recently Departed: Patricia Winskell
Year’s Mind: Joyce Malcolm, Alan Mercer Armstrong, Betty Probert, Irene Weatherilt Smith, Eleanor Frazer, Thomas (Tom) Scott
** Porvoo Communion: Diocese of Manchester; Diocese of Tampere (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland)
** Anglican Communion: Church in the Province of the West Indies: Primate: Most Revd Howard Gregory
** Link Diocese of Botswana: Parish of St Paul, Molepolole: Frs. Botshabelo Beleme, Joseph Khombane, Moshereganyi Sefanyetsto
** Link Dioceses of Møre and Winchester
** Diocese of Newcastle: Norham Deanery: St. Cuthbert’s Church, Carham
** The Roman Catholic Church worldwide
** Churches Together in North Shields: North Shields Baptist Church: The Revd Stuart Dennis
Please take this pew-sheet and the readings home for use during the week.
Wednesday, 22nd January:
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (Christ Church)
Sunday, 26th January:
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Christ Church)
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (St. Augustin’s)
No evening services at Christ Church or St. Augustin’s
Thank you to all who supported the first Pop Up Bakery at St. Augustin’s yesterday.
Tuesday, 21st January: 2.00 p.m. Mothers’ Union, Parish Centre.
Wednesday, 22nd January: 2.00 p.m. Craft and Chat, St. Augustin’s.
Saturday, 15th February: 10.00 a.m. - 12 noon. Pop Up Bakery, St. Augustin’s. Selection of baked goods: pies, cakes, biscuits, & puddings to buy. Tea and coffee also available.
Christ Church Restoration Fund
is a continuous, restricted, account and all contributions are gratefully received.
There is a demijohn at the back of church for donations, and jars for coins are also available.
We have finally had the 1830s hoppers and down pipes around the church repaired, and are looking for estimates to renew
the heating boilers because of obsolete parts.
Contact details: The Parish Office:
Christ Church Parish Centre, Preston Road,
North Shields, NE29 0LW.
Tel: (0191) 258 6653
Email: [email protected]
For enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings etc: please phone or email as above.
Can you Knit / Crochet Fish for a 'Yarn bomb' event this year as part of North Shields 800? Organised by Churches Together in NS – Sue Kirsopp has patterns – please ask.
The Rev’d Daniel McCarthy will be Installed as Team Rector of North Shields Parish on 3rd March 2025. Please keep Daniel and his family in your prayers at this time of change.
Sunday, 19th January 2025
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Christ Church St. Augustin’s
Welcome to today’s worship:
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Christ Church)
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (St. Augustin’s)
6.00 p.m. Evening Service, (St. Augustin’s)
No evening service at Christ Church
We welcome the Revd Steve Dixon to Christ Church and the Rt Revd John Packer to St. Augustin’s this morning.
If you are not confirmed you are welcome to receive a blessing at the altar rail.
NB Wafers should not be dipped into the chalice.
Gluten-free wafers are available – please let the duty churchwarden know (ideally before the service) if you require these.
Hymns at 10.00 a.m. at Christ Church and St Augustin’s:
A&M 766 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
A&M 712 Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
A&M 506 The church’s one foundation
Singing Group / Choir
A&M 456 Now let us from this table rise
A&M 646 God is working his purpose out
Please remember in your prayers:
The Sick: Bryce Betteridge, John Atkinson, Barbara Atkinson, Dave, Paul Preston, Helen Louch, Claire, Paula, Richard Walley
Recently Departed: Patricia Winskell
Year’s Mind: Joyce Malcolm, Alan Mercer Armstrong, Betty Probert, Irene Weatherilt Smith, Eleanor Frazer, Thomas (Tom) Scott
** Porvoo Communion: Diocese of Manchester; Diocese of Tampere (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland)
** Anglican Communion: Church in the Province of the West Indies: Primate: Most Revd Howard Gregory
** Link Diocese of Botswana: Parish of St Paul, Molepolole: Frs. Botshabelo Beleme, Joseph Khombane, Moshereganyi Sefanyetsto
** Link Dioceses of Møre and Winchester
** Diocese of Newcastle: Norham Deanery: St. Cuthbert’s Church, Carham
** The Roman Catholic Church worldwide
** Churches Together in North Shields: North Shields Baptist Church: The Revd Stuart Dennis
Please take this pew-sheet and the readings home for use during the week.
Wednesday, 22nd January:
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (Christ Church)
Sunday, 26th January:
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Christ Church)
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (St. Augustin’s)
No evening services at Christ Church or St. Augustin’s
Thank you to all who supported the first Pop Up Bakery at St. Augustin’s yesterday.
Tuesday, 21st January: 2.00 p.m. Mothers’ Union, Parish Centre.
Wednesday, 22nd January: 2.00 p.m. Craft and Chat, St. Augustin’s.
Saturday, 15th February: 10.00 a.m. - 12 noon. Pop Up Bakery, St. Augustin’s. Selection of baked goods: pies, cakes, biscuits, & puddings to buy. Tea and coffee also available.
Christ Church Restoration Fund
is a continuous, restricted, account and all contributions are gratefully received.
There is a demijohn at the back of church for donations, and jars for coins are also available.
We have finally had the 1830s hoppers and down pipes around the church repaired, and are looking for estimates to renew
the heating boilers because of obsolete parts.
Contact details: The Parish Office:
Christ Church Parish Centre, Preston Road,
North Shields, NE29 0LW.
Tel: (0191) 258 6653
Email: [email protected]
For enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings etc: please phone or email as above.
Can you Knit / Crochet Fish for a 'Yarn bomb' event this year as part of North Shields 800? Organised by Churches Together in NS – Sue Kirsopp has patterns – please ask.
The Rev’d Daniel McCarthy will be Installed as Team Rector of North Shields Parish on 3rd March 2025. Please keep Daniel and his family in your prayers at this time of change.